you know what you want to say, but don’t know how to say it, then
accept my congratulations! You’ve come to the right place. In ancient
times people with this problem went to see their local scribe. They knew
what they wanted to say – but they just didn’t have the right words.
The scribe was a specialist in knowing just how to express his
client’s thoughts. You’ve just stumbled onto the website of a
modern-day scribe!
is the trading name I use for producing video and film programmes for
corporate clients. These productions could be for training people or for
use in some promotional role, or maybe for internal communications, to
launch a new product, to keep the sales force up to speed, whatever. You
can find out how a programme is conceived, developed, and budgeted
elsewhere on this site.
the business of making any kind of TV show has to start with a
worthwhile idea closely followed by a script to turn that original
concept into an exciting, motivational production.
have built up an expertise over the last four decades in knowing what
to write, and how to write it,
to make the maximum impact on an audience. That audience might be in
front of a screen or live in a conference venue, perhaps attending a
product launch or strategy seminar. It might be an audience of one, or
ten thousand. It might be in one place or scattered across the globe,
hooked up by satellite.
gone to the trouble of gaining people’s attention, it’s foolish to
ruin the opportunity by expecting them to listen to something that’s
badly-constructed and badly-delivered. Any speech or presentation, even
a question and answer session, will benefit from a critical look by an
objective outside specialist with no personal (or corporate) axe to
if you were thinking of making a movie to better your business –
great. We’d love to help.
if you just want to make a better-than-usual presentation at the next
quarterly field meeting, then that’s great, too.
you want the words for - I’m here to write them for you. Please email
me. Kind regards,